Chapter 1 – pg.7

Although spiritual warfare is well-documented throughout the Gospels, the book of Acts, and alluded to in the Epistles, many contemporary believers reject this aspect of the Christian life. It is true that some will speak of the reality of Satan and His Kingdom and may take note of the...

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Chapter 1 – pg.8

There are many who are battling with lust, suicidal thoughts, depression, hopelessness, condemnation, rejection, and other forms of oppression. In addition, there are those who may be battling with all sorts of diseases, sicknesses, disabilities, etc., in which they encounter a great deal of pain in their bodies. Yet, when it comes to...

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Chapter 2 – pg.24

It’s not enough to accumulate biblical knowledge. One can have the highest academic degree in theology, hold a leadership position in a church, and be actively involved in ministry, yet be blinded by a naturalistic view of the Scriptures. Indeed, with this view being applied, one’s faith is limited; therefore, the supernatural power...

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Chapter 2 – pg.23

One unfortunate truth that I have noticed is that many Christians view reality through a naturalistic lens, and not a supernatural lens. What is naturalism? Naturalism is a philosophical viewpoint according to which everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded or discounted. Most Westerners have this...

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Chapter 2 – pg.33

What we have done is divorced the proclamation of the gospel from the power demonstrated through the gospel. This is an utter distortion of the gospel. In actuality they are interconnected, hence, they are two different aspects of the same Gospel.

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Chapter 3 – pg.65

Sure, many ministers will preach Christ crucified and that He rose on the third day. Yet, they will reject the notion that a Christian may need deliverance from demons or physical healing that is linked to the spiritual; therefore, they themselves and their followers shut themselves off from the healing power...

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Chapter 4 – pg.100

In addition, although Cessationists emphatically declare the office of apostle has ceased, they venerate Calvin as if he was their “apostle”. Is this an overstatement…Many Cessationists hold to the delusion of believing one is teaching Sola Scriptura, when in reality one is really teaching the ideas of Calvin through Scripture. This...

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